Also In This Issue


A New Yell Begins

The summer 2018 issue of Spirit was an excellent edition, especially “The Magic of Horses” article and the stories on the faculty benefactors giving so generously! Reading the Yell Leaders article, I was reminded that the bus driver yell started sometime between 1945 and 1947.

There was little or no air travel right after World War II, so most teams traveled by bus or train. There were hardly any fans of the opponents at the basketball games, so anyone backing them stood out, especially the bus drivers. They sat at the end of the bench in their bus uniforms. When something good happened, they stood like the rest of the team and yelled.

This, of course, caught the attention of the Ags, who then started saying, “Sit Down, Bus Driver!” The driver usually just laughed and took it in good nature.

Keep up the good work!

Jim McGuire ’49
Dallas, Texas


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Crazy About Courtney Cares

Shortly after my family and I moved back to Aggieland in 2014, a friend of mine mentioned the Courtney Cares program. I signed up for the volunteer training and the rest—as they say—is history. I enjoy every part of the program; the staff members are experts in their fields and watching as they share their expertise and talents with the participants is a blessing.

Being able to horse handle for the program adds an additional dimension of joy for me, but the most amazing aspect of Courtney Cares is witnessing the positive effects that riding has on each participant every day. It is an honor and pleasure to play a tiny role in this organization’s work, and I loved seeing the program highlighted in the summer 2018 issue.

Amanda Fleming ’94
Bryan, Texas

Bringing Back the “T”

Reading the Time Capsule article in the summer 2018 issue brought back great memories for my family. My dad, William “Bill” Dorsey ’57, served as Head Yell Leader in 1956. He was the driving force behind organizing the entire student body to form the Aggie “T” at halftime that year.

The famous Aggie “T” was first formed at Kyle Field during the infamous 13-0 game against The University of Texas on November 19, 1915, in College Station. But by the 1950s, the formation had not been performed at Kyle Field for several years. My dad and his fellow Yell Leaders agreed that it was an important event for the 12th Man and shouldn’t be forgotten.

So, my dad approached Col. E.V. Adams ’29, former director of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band, to ask for his help in bringing back the tradition. He agreed, but only if the band members voted for it, as it meant the band would have to forfeit its performance during halftime. Luckily, the band completely understood the intention behind the request and voted “yes.”

Col. Adams had films of previous formations of the “T” and a complete understanding of field maneuvers, so he proved crucial in helping the Yell Leaders accomplish the feat, especially with about 5,000 cadets who had never done it before, most of whom had never even seen it. He also warned the Yell Leaders that the final and perhaps most important requirement was to gain permission from “the Bear,” Texas A&M’s then-Head Football Coach Paul Bryant. Coach Bryant initially shot down the idea, but my dad was persistent and visited the coach’s office to plead his case until Bryant finally said: “Hell son, if it means that much to you, go ahead.”

The spirit of Texas A&M and the Corps of Cadets was demonstrated that day. It clearly shows what Texas A&M is all about and why, even 60-plus years later, the spirit lives on.

Gig ’em, Daddy!

Jenny Dorsey Johnson ’82
Grapevine, Texas

Love our Aggies and our Yell Leaders! My husband and I have enjoyed many trips home with tears from the traditions. You can’t explain it, but there is nothing like it.

Sharon Brackenridge Titsworth
Dallas, Texas

Whenever the chips are down, I just look at my Aggie ring—for me, hard won—and I remember who and what I am. Traditions are great: They inspire us to carry on, regardless of the odds. The Yell Leaders are tradition personified.

Dale Wooddy ’79
Houston, Texas

Love the Yell Leader tradition! Love Texas A&M! Gig ’em.

Mary Amyx Blankenship
Corinth, Texas


Dunae Reader '15

Assistant Director of Marketing & Communications/Spirit Editor