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To promote an education career path among underserved groups in Brazos County, Texas A&M University created Brazos Valley Teach, an initiative to help high school students become teachers.  

This early college program offers Bryan ISD, Caldwell ISD and Hearne ISD students two years of career and technical education dual credit courses in high school, followed by two years at Blinn College and an additional two years in Texas A&M’s teacher education program.  

“Young people searching for a postsecondary pathway and rewarding careers need mentorship, access to affordable college-level coursework and work-based learning experiences. Brazos Valley Teach is an innovative way to provide all three for students while meeting an essential workforce need in our region,” said Sue McMillin, president and CEO of the Greater Texas Foundation, which provided a $729,000 grant for the program. 

In Texas alone, more than 170,000 teacher job openings are projected by 2024. Officials hope Brazos Valley Teach will increase the number of highly trained, certified teachers in the workforce and encourage students to return to their communities, equipped to instruct local students.

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  • Jody Ford '99

  • Associate Vice President for Gift Effectiveness
  • Call: 979.314.9480

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