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Audrey Stedman '22, president of Aggie Knitting, Crafting and More.

What prompted your interest in crafting?

In high school, I spent a summer with my grandparents while my grandpa was fighting cancer. Crocheting was a way to grow closer with my grandma during a tough period of my life.

Tell us about Aggie Knitting, Crafting and More.

We knit items for local and national women’s shelters, children in need, nursing home residents and more. Some members join with crafting experience and others have none, so we host weekly workshops. Our goal is to help every member create and donate an item.

What items do you make?

We’re currently working on making granny squares to piece together a blanket to donate as a group, but we commonly make stuffed animals, blankets, hats and scarves. Most of us also enjoy making gifts for friends, such as small accessories or other textile goods.

Most fulfilling part?

When we donate items in person, we get the satisfaction of seeing our hard work go to someone who needs it. We hope that receiving a valuable handmade item makes recipients feel loved.

  • Dunae Reader '15

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  • Call: 979.321.6343

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