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Check out the campus priority initiatives featured in this issue of Spirit and discover how you can make a difference.

Aggies in Tech

To fulfill its grand vision of becoming the preeminent public business school in America, Mays Business School must take a bold leap into the tech industry. That sector currently accounts for 14 of the nation’s top 25 companies. Under an innovative new program branded Aggies in Tech, Mays will strive to achieve aggressive growth in the placement of its school’s graduates in tech positions. The initiative will establish Texas A&M as a prime source of business professionals for the tech industry and foster a network of mentors in and around the industry. The program’s ultimate success will require a community investment in excellence funds, scholarships, and chairs and professorships tailored to its needs. With your support, Mays students, faculty and staff will establish Aggieland as a utopia for tech recruiting.

Contact: Mark Toler ’19, Director of Development, Mays Business School

Foundation Excellence Award Scholarships

Foundation Excellence Award (FEA) Scholarships help recruit and retain outstanding undergraduates from historically disadvantaged groups often underserved in the Aggie student body, including minorities and those who face significant economic or educational hurdles. Since 1999, FEAs have awarded meaningful financial support to underserved Aggies who need it most. 

You can create a pass-through scholarship for one student with a gift of $10,000. For a perpetual impact, however, individuals and corporations can endow a $50,000 FEA that will help deserving students write their own Aggie stories for generations.

Contact: Al Pulliam ’87, Assistant Vice President for Development

Meat Science & Technology Center

Projected to open in the next five years, the Texas A&M University meat science program is planning a new, state-of-the-art center that will impact the entire meat industry. This new center can take the program from great to best by providing students with more hands-on learning experiences, a state-of-the-art processing floor, updated meat coolers and laboratories, and opportunities to host industry seminars and extension efforts. Contributions in support of this new facility can help better the future of meat science at Texas A&M University.

Contact: Scott Jarvis ’00, Director of Development, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Memorial & Honorary Gifts

Honorary and memorial gifts can be tailored to fit the interests and values of your loved one, making it a true extension of that person’s life and accomplishments. Many individuals even use honorary or memorial gifts as a way to celebrate important life milestones, such as birthdays, graduations or anniversaries. You can establish these gifts through various giving methods, such as giving an endowed gift, creating a planned gift, writing a check, or giving an online gift. Your honorary or memorial gift can create a living legacy in Aggieland for someone who has made an undeniable difference in your life.

To learn more, email us at or visit our website.


How do you measure 50 years of OPAS? In spectacular stories and breathtaking performances? Or maybe all the iconic Broadway tunes brought to life in Aggieland? No matter how you measure it, OPAS’ half-century of world-class entertainment at Texas A&M University has been nothing short of magical. By supporting the OPAS permanent endowment through the Texas A&M Foundation, you can help the dedicated Aggie students and staff behind the curtain bring the best theatre, music and dance productions to the Brazos Valley, setting the stage for the next 50 years and beyond.

Make a gift today

Contact: Reagan Chessher ’96, Senior Director of Development, Division of Student Affairs

Scholarships for the Corps in Support of March to 3,000

The Texas A&M Corps of Cadets is the largest, oldest and most visible student organization and leadership training program at Texas A&M University. Earlier this spring, Texas A&M University announced an ambitious March to 3,000 initiative to grow the Corps of Cadets’ enrollment to 3,000 members. The Corps develops well-educated leaders of character who embody the values of honor, courage, integrity, discipline and selfless service. By making more scholarships readily available for cadets, we can continue to increase recruitment and retention efforts for the Corps. There are four levels of Corps scholarship support that offer annual stipends to outstanding cadet leaders.

Contact: Essence Wylie ’15, Assistant Director of Development, Corps of Cadets

TAMU Libraries

The Texas A&M Libraries are committed to providing the best possible environment in which to house and protect collections. The Preservation Unit is responsible for environmental monitoring, integrated pest management , disaster planning and recovery, commercial binding, general collections book repair and stacks maintenance. The Conservation Unit provides services that focus on maintaining and stabilizing the University Libraries’ special collections and archival materials through physical treatments. With your support, the TAMU Libraries can continue to provide the greatest conditions for collections and keep improving preservation and conservation efforts.

Contact: Adelle Hedleston ’88, Development Manager, Texas A&M University Libraries

Veterans Scholarships

As a university that began as a senior military college, appreciation and respect for our nation’s current, former and future service members runs deep in Aggieland. You can support Texas A&M’s proud military history by establishing scholarships for Aggie student veterans or their spouses. Most student veterans are unable to finish their degree within the 36-month GI Bill limitation, and while Hazlewood benefits help fill the gap, these non-traditional students still struggle financially. Establishing an endowed scholarship for veterans and their spouses will make a lasting impact that will serve future generations of veterans who aspire to call themselves Aggies. There are three levels of veteran scholarship support that provide annual stipends to outstanding student recipients.

Contact: David Bacot ’90, Senior Director of Development, Division of Student Affairs

  • Dunae Reader '15

  • Assistant Director of Marketing & Communications/Spirit Editor
  • Call: 979.321.6343

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