September 17, 2024

In the early 1900s, a caring woman by the name of Ada Peoples believed a mother’s love was needed at the all-male campus of what was then the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas for her Aggie son and his peers. She decided to develop the first Aggie Mothers’ Club in Dallas, not knowing it would expand over time into a network of 7,000 women dedicated to supporting Texas A&M University students and programs.

Since then, Aggie Mothers’ Clubs have existed as an influential partner in bolstering the success of countless Aggie student experiences. Whether they’re helping stressed students ace final exams by offering therapeutic puppy hugs and goodie bags filled with test-taking necessities or hosting tailgates at Kyle Field, Aggie Moms are well-known figures of support throughout campus.

To properly guide their widespread impact, the Federation of Texas A&M Mothers’ Clubs has provided leadership to the rapidly growing local clubs since 1928, unifying all Aggie mothers in their overarching goal: contributing to the welfare and comfort of Texas A&M students. Today, the Federation oversees 113 individual Aggie Mothers’ Clubs. From California to Pennsylvania, Aggie moms continue to build on their century-old efforts to be a resource for current students and their families and are stepping up their focus on philanthropy for an even bigger impact.

A Prosperous Proposal

Each year, the Federation selects a new president to carry out a specific initiative for their term. After being elected as the 2024-25 president last spring, Roxanne Forrest of Castroville, Texas, began her mission to establish the Federation’s first $25,000 endowed scholarship through the Texas A&M Foundation for students in need of financial support. She shared the strategic plan with her fellow Aggie mothers in hopes of achieving the goal by the end of her presidency.

“I challenged each of the clubs to donate $250 to the endowment,” Forrest said. “While $250 may seem like a small donation, it really adds up when over 100 clubs contribute.”

Through fundraising, campaigns and advocacy, the Federation is on track to raise the initial $25,000 needed to establish the Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers’ Club Endowed Scholarship with the help of fellow Aggie mothers and like-minded contributors.

“The Foundation is helping us establish a lasting legacy for our organization through this endowment."
-Roxanne Forrest

By partnering with the Texas A&M Foundation—which invests donor-funded endowments in a diversified portfolio and provides annual distributions to the university for purposes designated by donors—Forrest is confident that once fully funded, this scholarship will continue to grow to perpetually impact both current and future Aggies.

In the past, the Federation has raised over $8 million dollars for the university in the form of scholarships and student organization support and is unquestionably fond of the Foundation’s mission to invest in Aggies. Forrest believes their partnership with the Foundation will prove beneficial as they aim to award one student scholarship each year to relieve some of the financial stress that comes with pursuing a Texas A&M education.

“When I decided to create a scholarship in the Federation’s name, I wanted to make sure it would grow in value and help students on a much larger scale. The Foundation is helping us establish a lasting legacy for our organization through this endowment,” she stated.

Personal Passions

Forrest’s mission stems from her personal desire to make education at Texas A&M more affordable, as she understands firsthand how difficult it can be to financially support children through college. While neither she nor her husband had the chance to pursue higher education themselves, they both valued the experience and instilled the importance of it within their sons. “We never asked them if they wanted to go to college; instead the question was, ‘Where do you want to go?’” she explained.

When the time came for their eldest, Wyatt ’21, to provide an answer, he decided Aggieland would be his home for the next four years. “When he told us he wanted to go to Texas A&M, the first thing my husband asked was, ‘Can we afford it?’ to which I responded, ‘We can’t afford to tell him no,’” she shared. To make these aspirations a reality, Forrest encouraged both of her sons to utilize the help of scholarships to support their Aggie-bound ambitions. 

After witnessing both children achieve Texas A&M degrees, Forrest said the most rewarding part was the peace of knowing they graduated debt-free thanks to scholarship support. “I never want a student to decide not to attend Texas A&M just because they can’t afford it,” she emphasized. “My hope for the Federation’s scholarship is that it will continue to grow and outlive all who have contributed to it. I want to impact Aggie students as well as their families for generations upon generations.”

Join the Federation in its mission to support aspiring Aggies with academic scholarships! Contact Steve Blomstedt '83 below to learn more about contributing to the Federation’s endowment or other areas of your interest.