Education is key in understanding what type of charitable trust is the best solution for you.
A planned gift to the Texas A&M Foundation should accomplish two major goals. First and foremost, it should use a giving method that best fits your lifestyle, preferences and available assets. Secondly, it should support your passions in Aggieland. Most people can quickly identify their passions. However, identifying the right planned giving vehicle to support those passions can be overwhelming because there are many methods, and some are quite complex.
Here’s the good news: The term “complex” isn’t bad. In planned giving speak, “complex” means more options and flexibility to tailor a planned gift specific to your situation.
Now that we’ve established that “complex” equates to “good” in planned giving, we can discuss trusts. Charitable trusts are very complex compared to most planned giving methods, but they offer much in return. From tax advantages to protecting minors to providing a steady stream of income payments and more, charitable trusts can greatly benefit you and your loved ones.
While gift planning professionals, tax advisors and legal counsel should be consulted to determine if and which trust is right for you, let’s explore the two major types of charitable trusts—a charitable remainder trust and a charitable lead trust—to help equip you for that initial gift conversation.
Charitable Remainder Trust