The Pfeils are giving their property in the form of a 'life estate,' which means they will be able to enjoy and use the property throughout their lifetimes.
Clifton Pfeil '50 and his wife, Lenette, have long wanted to find a way to support the university that has meant so much to them over the years. After establishing a veterinary practice more than five decades ago in South Texas, the couple found they could best help Texas A&M with the deed to their home and clinic rather than with money.
The Pfeils are giving their property in the form of a 'life estate,' which means they will be able to enjoy and use the property throughout their lifetimes. Ultimately, proceeds from the sale of the property will provide a generous gift for Texas A&M.
Clifton: The "life estate" gift allows us to enjoy our home and, after we are deceased, the value will go to benefit Texas A&M. Our two sons have approved of this opportunity to help Texas A&M after our lifetimes.
I received an excellent education at Texas A&M. If I had not pursued a degree in veterinary medicine, we would not have been able to make this sort of gift, which we have directed to bovine research in the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Being able to give a life estate has brought our close family closer together. To make a gift like this is quite an experience and it is truly heart warming. We have met some wonderful people through the Texas A&M Foundation, and the staff was helpful to us and our advisors as we made this gift.
Texas A&M Foundation
The Texas A&M Foundation is a nonprofit organization that solicits and manages investments in academics and leadership programs to enhance Texas A&M’s capability to be among the best universities.